Bitchin Kitchens

Talk about drool...

This is an extra large post today.

There are just so many cool kitchens out there.

I like the island in this one. I have worked with clients before where we incorporated a piece of furniture as the island. I think it makes a kitchen more lived in and approachable, not so cookie cutter.

Mod and slightly masculine I think.

I just think all those blue plates are so cool. 

These black marble sinks are to die for.

I know the company that makes this light and it is so cool in person. I have been waiting to use it in a client's home now for awhile.  It almost went into the bar I just finished working on.

No over head cabinetry.

 Impressive collection. This look of; large collection concepts, was huge last year at the furniture market. I am expecting to see it more when I return to market next month.

Again, no overhead cabinets and a piece of furniture as the island.

I really like the idea of displaying the rolling pins.

Brass range hoods...omg. Clever way to store spices if you cook enough to justify buying enough spice to fill those large jars. 
Even if you don't cook, it's still cool.
Actually, those might be beans, I can't tell.

This picture made me want to start collecting copper pots...

 No over head cabinets....sensing a theme here.

Mod glam

Brick, how amazing is that?

Love this. I seriously would never leave my kitchen if it had a fireplace in it.


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